MP Paprika Crashed Hot 200G


MP Paprika Crashed Hot 200G

Ground paprika (red, ground, pounded, pounded…), whether sweet or hot, is not just a spice. Its benefits are widely used to eliminate many ailments. The magical medicinal ingredient of this pepper is called capsaicin, and it is responsible for the fact that this spice is increasingly used not only in the kitchen.

It is well known to everyone that allspice is a widespread spice. However, it does not serve, as one might assume, only to make food taste better, but it stores several vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, E and B, beta-carotene, calcium and potassium

SKU: SPI064 Category:


MP Paprika Crashed Hot 200G

Additional information

Weight 0.250 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 5 cm
